Questions you may have floating

Frequently Asked Questions

When will I receive my tree(s)?

We will reach out to you within the next business day with a delivery date. If you are already in contact with us, this will be arranged shortly.

How do I ensure my 1 Year guarantee?

Upon your order confirmation, we will send you a straight forward warranty to sign , locking your guarantee under Lawn King of North Dallas for 1 full year!

(A physical copy can be provided if requested).

Which areas does Lawn King Trees deliver to ?

Lawn King Trees delivers to all of DFW Metroplex and surrounding areas. Those who reside outside of the metroplex are susceptible to delivery fees.

Why Should I Buy A tree?

Trees increase the value of your home and provide shade, comfort, and decrease utility bills. Our sales professionals can help you determine the exact location and type of tree that would be best for your specific needs, and we carry a one-year written warranty.

Additional Touch: Lawn King has hands-down the best prices in the DFW metroplex. We offer straight forward solutions to any questions, projects, ideas that you may have.

No beating around the bush, we get straight to all of our clients.

How Soon Can My Selected Tree Be Planted?

We will get the tree to you within the same week guaranteed.

The soonest we can get your tree out will be the same or next business day depending on the time and availability.

Any rush orders is considered a special order and may be susceptible to additional cost.

How do I care for my new tree?

Once you purchase your tree, you will receive written instructions that explain the seasonal needs of your tree.

How can I contact Lawn King trees?

You can reach us directly at 469-294-2359 via call or even text! Our email is

We will respond within the next 2 Business days. (general response is within 24 hours).

Is pricing negotiable?

Yes! Pricing is negotiable after 9+ Trees.

Contact us, and we will guide you. 469-294-2359

Where is Lawn King Trees located?

Lawn King Trees is based out Plano,Texas. We are a full online store and landscaping company under Lawn King of North Dallas.

We have been in business for over 5 years and we are licensed & insured professionals.

Do we offer other services?

Yes! Lawn King of North Dallas is a landscape contracting company. We offer a wide range of work including fence installation, sod installation, landscape design, irrigation and drainage, and lawn maintenance. Our main website is

Call or text us directly 469-294-2359

What is your cancellation policy?

You can cancel an order but keep in mind, we charge a return service fee of 3% on all orders. We also charge a 20% restocking fee on all orders canceled within 48 hours of scheduled install. Special order deposits and pre-payments are non-refundable.

Professional Installation Vs. Self-Installation

Lawn King offers professional installation and self-installation for all trees we sell.

Professional Installation:

-1 Year Guarantee (Covers unexpected weather as well).

-No worries on proper installation.

-Easy process and fast execution.

-Cow manure soil/Mulching & tree staking included.

-Watering schedule provided.

Self Installation:

-Not guaranteed

-Must plant yourself.

-Watering schedule provided.

Who is responsible for the Public Utility Marking (811) on my property?

Fannin Tree Farm will contact 811 to mark public lines.

Tree Care

The guide for new trees .

How to Properly Water and Assess your Tree:

For the health of your new tree, it is important you consistently water and maintain it. Unfortunately, there is no one-size fits all guide to watering your tree. This is because different size trees need different amounts of water, and different soil types drain water at different rates. To know when to water your tree, you will need to assess your soil with what we call "the cake test." To perform the cake test, all you need is the wooden assessment stick we provide with your tree. Simply insert the stick near the base of the tree and go into the ground about 12-18 inches. If you do not observe any standing water, it's time to water! If you do see standing water, leave your tree and check again tomorrow. When watering, you want to turn your hose on between a trickle and the halfway point and place it near your tree's trunk to allow for a good soaking. For a 3-10 gallon tree you want to let the hose run for 8-12 minutes. For a 15-30 gallon tree you want to go for 20-30 minutes, and for a 45+ gallon tree you want to give it a solid 60-90 minute soak. Check out our cake test video below to see all this information in action!

How to Properly Plant a Tree:

Although planting a tree may seem fairly straightforward, there is an art to it! After planting trees for 30 years, we have gained insight on how to properly do it so your tree has the best chance of survival. Let's take this step by step.

  1. Call 811: It is extremely important to call 811 to check for buried utilities before digging. Utilities often run in our front and back yards without us even knowing and pose a severe threat to your safety. This process can take up to 48 hours.
  2. Gather your tools: You will need: watering hose, bag of mulch, tarp (optional but recommended,) hand saw, tape measure, root stimulator + measuring cup, bucket, and a shovel.
  3. Place your tree where you'd like to plant it. Go ahead and lay your tarp next to it as well to keep your cleanup at a minimum. 
  4. Removing the grass: Use your shovel to mark a circle 4-6 inches from the edge of the tree's bucket. Once you have this measured, you can move the tree out of the way and remove the grass with your shovel. 
  5. Time to dig: First remove the tree from its bucket and measure the height of the root ball. Subtract 2 inches from this number and that's how deep your hole needs to be. This is because you want the tree to stick up 2 inches out of the ground. Once you've done this, you can dig the hole in the area you removed the grass.
  6. Score the roots: This ensures that they're loosened from the root ball and have a better chance of rooting into the ground. Use your handsaw to cut from the bottom to the top of the root ball. Go around the outside of the root ball and score like this every few inches.
  7. Place the tree: Place your tree in the hole. You'll notice it should stick above grade a couple inches. Now is the time to make sure your tree is placed right! If you need to make adjustments to straighten the tree, do it now. 
  8. Fill the hole: To prevent air pockets, we recommend placing your hose near the hole and allowing it to add water to the hole. This will make it easier to compact the soil together as you add it back. Once the hole is filled you can use extra soil to help create the berm around the edge of the tree, but you want to avoid covering the root ball in extra soil.
  9. Apply root stimulator: We recommend using the MicroLife organic root stimulator we carry, which you can find here. For this product, you add 2 oz of root stimulator to each gallon of water to dilute it. You'll want to use 2 gallons of diluted root stimulator per 15 gallons of soil in your rootball. Slowly poor this mixture in the middle of your tree.
  10. Mulch and berm: Now you want to cover the site in mulch. You may need to use a combination of mulch and soil to create a berm around the edge of the tree. This creates a bowl shape around the tree and makes watering easier and more effective. You may elect to wet the mulch to help it find its shape better.